Completed projects

Fridhemsskolan har varit involverade i ett antal internationella projekt. 


Back to nature for a sustainable future
. A student mobility project between Kedainiai Language School in Lithuania, Ozolneiki Secondary School in Latvia, Hojmeskolen in Odense, Denmark and Fridhemsskolan. The aim of the project was to develop students’ skills and values about the future of the environment and sustainable development. The first mobility was to Lithuania in October 2018. Ten students from each country met to work with the theme of social responsibility. During their week students visited local businesses recognized for their social responsibility towards the environment and worked on a variety of activities about being a responsible European citizen. The second mobility of the project took place in Denmark in May 2019. Here students worked with the theme of recycling and had the opportunity for a study visit to Stige Island, an artificial reserve built on landfill. The third mobility was to Latvia and took place in September 2019. Here students worked with the forest theme and had the opportunity to plants trees. For our students it was interesting to see the similarities and differences between Latvian and Swedish forest management. In February 2020 the final mobility of the project was to Arvidsjaur. Students worked with the theme of housing. They had a study visit to Värmeverket and to Lappstad as well as building a model of their idea of an eco-friendly house.

The project was a success and all students enjoyed their experiences. Fridhemsskolan blogged the mobilities which you can read on the following link

Coverage of each mobility appeared on Arvidsjaurs Kommun website:

The objectives of the project were met, students involved became more competent and confident in their English-speaking ability, their knowledge of the environment was enhanced and they became more internationally and culturally aware of other countries within the European Union.

The sponsor of this project was Nordplus.


Idrott i Norden
. Ett samarbetsprojekt mellan Höjmeskolen i Odense, Tysvaervåg barne- og ungdomsskule i Tysværvåg och Fridhemsskolan. Projektet har som mål att öka intresset för idrott som ämne i skolan samt att öka förståelsen för de nordiska språken. I september 2017 genomfördes projektets första möte i Odense där deltagarna fick prova på orientering, cross-fit, par cour, friidrott och att cykla i en velodrom. Nästa möte var i Arvidsjaur i april 2018 då vi kom att åka skidor, lära oss att bygga bivack, bada isvak, pimpla mm. Sista och avslutande möte var i Tysværvåg höstterminen 2018.

Detta projekt sponsras av Nordplus:


Youth working together in challenging adventures. A student mobility project between Kedainiai Language School in Lithuania, Ozolneiki Secondary School in Latvia, Greenland and Fridhemsskolan. The goal of this project was to increase awareness of the responsibility of being a European citizen by promoting the knowledge of, and understanding of, Nordic and Baltic languages and cultures. Comparisons between the countries focused on four themes: 1) culture - including food, sport, music, etc. 2) economics – the cost of living for a teenager today 3) environment and climate 4) Europe without boarders – opportunities to study and work in other European countries.

The project, sponsored by Nordplus, ran over the 2016/17 and 2017/18 academic years.


Getting science closer to students
. Ett strategiskt partnerskap mellan skolor i Ungern, Grekland, Italien, Litauen och Sverige representeras av Fridhemsskolan. Syftet med projektet är att öka intresset för de naturvetenskapliga ämnena. Under projektets gång ska bland annat en kunskapsbank bestående av Youtubefilmer skapas, varje skola har i uppdrag att skapa 20 filmer med naturvetenskapliga experiment. Elevutbyten har genomförts mellan Sverige och Italien under läsåret 2016-17, och mellan Sverige och Litauen under läsåret 2017-18. Projektet avslutade i juni 2018.

Elevfilmer som är gjorda på Fridhemsskolan:

1.    Block and tackle:

2.    Boiling water muffins:

3.    Carbon dioxide levels in exhalation air:

4.    Melting ice cubes:

5.    Imploding soda can: 

6.    Boiling water with ice:

7.    Elephant toothpaste:

8.    How to put out fire:

9.    Homemade slush:

10. Salt and snow: 

11. Expanding balloons:

12. Sulphur in water:

13. Making snow:

14. Rocket bottle:

15. Sugerworm:

16. Distillation:

17. Measure the pH in snow:

18. Lift a person with air:

19. APT measure:

 20. Egg in bottle:

Projektet sponras av Erasmus+:

ITE – Innovative teaching in English at Fridhemsskolan. Ett mobilitetsprojekt med utbyten och kompetensutveckling för att utveckla språkundervisningen på Fridhemsskolan. I projektet fick lärare på Fridhemsskolan möjlighet att delta i kurser i CLIL (content and language integrated learning), skolledningen fick möjlighet att lära sig mer om internationalisering i skolan, lärare fick kompetensutveckling på hur en ökad digitalisering kan bidra till utvecklad språkundervisning, samt så fick lärare och skolledning möjlighet att åka på jobbskuggning till IES Tirso de Molina i Madrid. Fridhemsskolan tog också emot lärare och skolledare från IES Tirso de Molina som jobbskuggade hos oss.

Projektet sponsras av Erasmus+: 

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